BE PART OF THE PREMIER BIG DATA EVENT FOR THE APACHE® SPARK™ COMMUNITYSince our inaugural event in 2013, thousands of developers, scientists, analysts, researchers and executives from around the globe have flocked to Spark Summit to better understand how big data, machine learning and data science can deliver new insights. Whether you’re new to Apache Spark or a hardcore enthusiast, Spark Summit is the place to meet with leading experts to share knowledge, receive training and foster valuable connections.Apache Spark is a powerful open source processing engine built around speed, ease of use, and sophisticated analytics. It was started at UC Berkeley in 2009 and is now developed at the vendor-independent Apache Software Foundation. Since its release, Spark has seen rapid adoption by enterprises across a wide range of industries. Internet powerhouses such as Yahoo, eBay and Netflix have deployed Spark at massive scale, processing multiple petabytes of data on clusters of over 8,000 nodes. Apache Spark has also become the largest open source community in big data, with over 1000 contributors from 250+ organizations.